
What Is Our Privacy Policy?

    The Trucker Forum is committed to respecting and maintaining your personal privacy and any privacy concerns you may have when using our site. We want your experience here to be beneficial and stress-free. The last thing we want is to do is alienate you due to often overlooked, but very important, privacy issues.

    The Trucker Forum abides by three cardinal rules when it comes to your privacy:

        1. The Trucker Forum will never give or sell user contact information to telemarketers.

        2. The information we gather about you will only be used internally at The Trucker Forum.

        3. Your privacy concerns are extremely important to us. We'll respond to them as thoroughly and thoughtfully as possible.

    These cardinal rules are our Prime Directive here at The Trucker Forum. However, we want to make it clear what we do use your information for. Please read on for a better understanding of our intentions and security measures.

The Trucker Forum uses Cookies!

(You probably think we're going to make some obligatory joke about chocolate chips here. No, we would never stoop to that). A cookie is a small piece of data sent to your browser from a web server and stored on your computer's hard drive. The word derives from the concept of cookie crumbs, or leaving a "trail" for us to follow. We use cookies to help provide customizable services, to make sure you don't see the same outside company ad banners all the time, and to understand how you navigate through our site so we can improve our service to you. We don't care where you go or what you do, we just want to study your patterns.

If you're at all concerned about this, you can choose whether to accept the cookies that we send to you by changing the settings of your browser. Just remember, if you choose not to accept these cookies, many of the features of this website and much of the site will not work properly!

Your Security is our Business!

In addition to big burly guards patrolling the gates of our compound, The Trucker Forum has various security measures in place to try to protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of user data under our control. The Trucker Forum admins who have access to the databases that store user information and servers that host our services follow strict security guidelines. While we cannot guarantee that loss, misuse or alteration to data will not occur, we sure try hard to prevent such unfortunate occurrences.

Greater Data Control

Here at The Trucker Forum our gearheads put in 80-hour weeks to improve the site, intermittently tinkering on software that we feel will greatly improve control over the data that you give us. Please check back to this page every now and then to see what we've accomplished for you. We work hard to keep your data in check.

Contacting Us...

If you have questions about our privacy policy or the practices of The Trucker Forum, please e-mail us at contact [at] trucker-forum [dot] com (please place the words "Privacy Policy" in the Subject line of your email).

This Privacy Policy is subject to change without notice